PARKING BAN - Saturday, February 8th at 8:00pm until further notice.  Remove all cars & items from the street.
Memorial site with 3 flags and bell

Town Meetings

View live or archived town meetings on our YouTube page.
The LIVE tab has the recent uploads.

Tax Assessor Notice

The Town of West Warwick is undergoing a State mandated statistical revaluation for all Real Estate in the Town.
Northeast Revaluation is conducting physical inspections of properties that have sold within the last year.
If there are any questions concerning the revaluation, please call the Tax Assessors office at 401-822-9208 
person playing guitar

Calendar of Events

Click on Calendar of Events above - for calendar style viewing 
hands shaking by a computer

Employment Opportunities

 New employment opportunities have been posted.
code red logo in red and black

Code Red

The "Code Red" system allows residents and businesses to be notified for weather events and other emergencies